The Planet
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Lucky Oceans
June 2001

      His name's not Miles, Wynton nor Louis..indeed, few people here even know his name.. but Baikida Carroll is one of the trumpet's most brilliant improvising players. He's also one of jazz's most rewarding composers, & leads a superb quintet whose music is exciting, subtle, melodious & adventurous. By day & by night our featured new CD is his "Marionettes on a High Wire".

      Carroll's new album includes some of his music for theatre: one piece is an astonishing, witty "history of jazz" which tells just about all in under two minutes! Lurking within his group is a wonderful saxophonist; that she {Erica Lindsay} is so little known & hardly recorded at all is as puzzling as Carroll's low profile. Some other notable players & writers DO know. Says Miles Davis' biographer, Quincy Troupe, "Carroll is revered by his peers and has my total admiration and respect" The Nightly Planet" will also showcase some other trumpeters whose music ought be more widely trumpeted.

      Baikida Carroll "Marionettes On A High Wire" 1'54" (a hoot, & astonishing just about the whole history of jazz covered! Stride-to-well-beyond: piano, trumpet, tenor sax, ac bass, drums. Phenomenal in both conception & execution) full review home page Back